MEd Research Supervisor/Faculty

As a graduate student, it can often be a daunting task to try to identify a member of the Education faculty who is both eligible to supervise a thesis or major research paper (MRP), and who has the time, interest and skills needed to see the research through to successful completion. One important source of support in the identification of a supervisor is the graduate student’s faculty advisor, who was assigned to the student at the time of her or his admission to the MEd program.

The lists that follow identify all the current full or associate members of the graduate faculty in Graduate Studies in Education who are eligible to supervise or co-supervise MEd thesis or MEd MRP research, and the specific areas of interest and expertise in which they are willing to act as supervisors, co-supervisors or internal second readers. Graduate students and faculty advisors are encouraged to consult with each other and these lists to help expedite the process of bringing the student and supervisor together to engage in a fulfilling and successful research experience.

Graduate Program Coordinator

Graduate Program Faculty